Europe, Bulgaria
God has used five generations to develop the vision of PromisedLand Complex. Through my parents two families of devoted Christ-followers were joined together. Before, during, and after the fall of the Com-munist regime the homes of these several generations were always like “oases” to many people. At the age of 12 I had my personal encounter with Jesus Christ and 6 years later I graduated Christ for the Nations In-stitute in Dallas, Texas. The same year I returned to Bulgaria and planted a church in my home town – Shumen. Three years later I married my charming wife Ralitsa, who through the years gifted me with four incredible children. My family continued the family traditions of receiving guests from around the world, “sheltering” young families who don’t have a place to live, and caring for the household of faith. In 2007 I felt that God wanted to expand our vision, therefore under a Divine inspiration we committed ourselves to creating a center, where Christians from Bulgaria and abroad, undisturbed from the noise of the world, could receive spiritual and emotional support, participate in and organize trainings, conferences, camps, forums, team building programs, as well as rest in calm environment. God was leading me to name this center PromisedLand. In 2012 with the help of local and foreign lenders, my family bought the Casa Vici Guest House in Stokite Village and began to transform it into the PromisedLand. For several years now PromisedLand Complex welcomes believers from around the world, who attend organized events or spend their time devoted to prayer and reflection, as they seek peace with their past, refreshment of their souls and the purpose of their lives. Through many sacrifices, prayers and labor we turned the PromisedLand in a peaceful, secure and safe place, where people can discover God in a deeper way, experience personal transformation and enjoy unity between them, despite their denominational differences.
We believe we will attract adherents with whom we will create a christian community in Stoke village and gradually expand our activities and borders of PromisedLand Complex. Besides ministries and helping businesses, our dream is that the community has an independent farm, fruit and vegetable gardens and thus be able to live healthier. This model will help not only for the re-surgence of the region, but also for transformation of our country.